Friday, July 1, 2016


Maria Rodale is the CEO and chairman of Rodale Inc., a global voice for health and wellness with a mission to inspire and enable people to improve their lives and the world around them. Reaching more than 100 million people worldwide, Rodale publishes some of the best-known health and wellness magazines, including Men’s Health, Prevention, Runner’s World, Women’s Health and Organic Gardening.  The company is also one of the largest independent booksellers in the world, with a collection of best-selling that include  An Inconvenient Truth by Al Gore and The Honest Life by Jessica Alba.

Below she shares  5 steps to remember for anyone on the way to  the top:

1. Find what your passion is and tap into it. You can do this by meditating or going on a vision quest. You can seek counseling or hire a consultant. You can fall into it by accident. Whatever you do, you must find it and keep finding it over and over again. It’s not a one-time process—it’s like a fractal that keeps expanding and growing and evolving.

2. Commit to serving others. Truly, serving others—your customers, employees, fans, the needy—is one of the most important steps, because no matter what else happens, if you do this one thing you will find a peace within you that no jewel or yacht can compare. Success is service.

3. Have faith when you are most discouraged and keep everyone around you focused and motivated. Not every day is a good day, and not every year is a good year. What can you learn from those setbacks, and how can you keep moving forward no matter what? Finding faith is key and goes right back to the first two steps: If you believe you are doing something important and know that it’s helping others, well then… keep going.

4. Take care of yourself. Take Bruce Springsteen as an example of success. His shows take an incredible amount of energy—and spread joy and happiness throughout the world. But as an artist, he also needs to stop and breathe. At 63 years old, he keeps healthy and fit in order to gather the inspiration to write songs and the spirit to perform. It’s a cycle that should be respected. Take care of yourself, and allow yourself to rest and recover to make sure you have the strength and energy to do it all again, to be your own kind of rock star.

5. Celebrate your success and generously share it with others. Every time you share your success and the results of it with others, you’re planting seeds for future success. Because success isn’t a one-and-done thing. It is like a garden—it has seasons of brilliance and dormancy and must be cared for  and maintained. And shared.


For more pieces of advice for young adults,   please read "Pointers for New College Graduates," by Gerry P. Siquijor. Available at FULLY BOOKED,  St. Pauls, Pauline Bookstores, and branches of Catholic Book Center.

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